About me

Recently, I graduated from Guilan University with a Bachelor's in Computer Engineering. I am an ambitious and enthusiastic student who is eager to use my skills and passion to pursue a career in my field. My research interests are primarily in Machine Learning, with particular emphasis on Deep Learning, Medical Image Analysis, and Computational Neuroscience. Alongside my academic pursuits, I am also involved in research and projects in this field.


  • Machine Learning

  • Deep Learning

  • Computational Neuroscience

  • Computer Vision

  • Natural Language Processing



  1. University of Guilan

    2019 — 2023

    B.Sc in Computer Engineering.
    GPA: 3.66/4
    GPA(Last two years): 3.8/4

Work Experience

  1. Research Assistant at SMRC

    Jul 2024 - Present

    SMRC is one of the medical labs at Tehran University, where I conduct multiple research projects.

  2. Research Assistant at Guilan University

    Jan 2023 - Present

    I lead a research initiative supervised by my professor, focus on various medical images.

Teaching Experience

  1. Artificial Intelligence

    Fall 2022

    University of Guilan
    Instructor: Dr. Y. Boreshban
    Head TA

  2. Algorithm Design

    Fall 2021

    University of Guilan
    Instructor: Dr. A. Khozaei
    Head TA

  3. Data Structure

    Fall 2021

    University of Guilan
    Instructor: Dr. F. Feyzi
    Head TA

  4. Discrete Mathematics

    Fall 2020 / Fall 2021

    University of Guilan
    Instructor : Dr. S. M. Shekarian
    Head TA

  5. Digital Circuits

    Fall 2021

    University of Guilan
    Instructor: Dr. M. Aminian
    Head TA

  6. Computer Architecture

    Fall 2021

    University of Guilan
    Instructor: Dr. H. Ahmadifar

  7. Computer Aided Design

    Fall 2022

    University of Guilan
    Instructor: Dr. M. Aminian
    Head TA

  8. Microelectronic Circuits

    Spring 2023

    University of Guilan
    Instructor: Dr. M. Aminian


Research Papers

  1. Sperm Abnormalities Analysis


    Zahra Ahmadi, Amir Ezzati, Seyed Abolghasem Mirroshandel, Yasaman Boreshban

    Under Dr. Mirroshandel’s guidance, I led a research initiative focused on enhancing sperm abnormality detection using various transformers models like VIT and Swin. We have recently worked on using contrastive learning and active learning on this dataset.

  2. CSTC Circuit in the Progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s Disease


    Using Cortico-Striatal-Thalamo-Cortical Circuit in the Progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s Disease. Also, An fMRI Study Using the ADNI Database.

Selected Projects

  1. Normal Cyst Tumor And Stone

    The dataset comprises CT images of the kidneys, covering four distinct categories: tumors, cysts, normal, and stones. I've implemented basic Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), ResNet, and VGG architectures for image classification on these images.

  2. Amazon Reviews

    A machine learning model was developed and trained on Amazon Reviews to analyze user sentiment. The dataset was extensively preprocessed, involving techniques such as tokenization, stopwords removal, lemmatization, stemming, tag and emoji removal, and normalization.
    The sentiment analysis task on Amazon reviews was conducted using Logistic Regression. The repository provides resources and code for a variety of sentiment classification models, including Embedding Models, BERT, and Simple Neural Networks.

  3. An Odd Music Generator

    This project aims to explore Autoencoders Denoising, data augmentation methods, audio file processing, string-to-string models (Seq2seq), and intelligent systems.
    The project consists of four key components: Denoising, Note Recognition, Note Prediction, and Noise Maker.
    I used an LSTM-based n-gram language model to predict the next musical note in a sequence, supporting the development of well-structured musical compositions.

  4. Multi Class Weather

    I worked with the Multi-class Weather Dataset consisting of Rain, Shine, Sunrise, and Cloudy categories. The project focused on computer vision, image processing, and deep neural networks using models like ResNet and Inception with k-fold cross-validation for evaluation.

  5. Analyzing Human Metaphase II Oocyte Images

    This project serves as an example of semantic segmentation, featuring the implementation of a robust deep learning-based multiclass semantic segmentation method. It is specifically designed for analyzing human metaphase II oocyte images, as outlined in a paper

  6. NLP Subject Similarity

    The project includes sentence pairs with sentence1 and sentence2, scored for textual similarity, amenable to regression or classification using neural networks.
    The project utilizes neural networks for similarity analysis, involving Data Labeling, Multi-label RNN Classification, Text Preprocessing, and Classification Networks.

  7. Students Academic Performance

    The project aimed to utilize a custom neural network structure created from scratch (Neural Networks from Scratch) for predicting student acceptance or rejection during an academic semester based on their characteristics. Furthermore, TensorFlow was employed to achieve the same objective.

  8. Trie

    For my university's Data Structure course project, I developed a student management system. I utilized a HashTable to store student data indexed by their IDs and implemented a Trie tree to store HashTable's keys.

  9. Four In Row

    The game is set in single-player mode, with an AI Agent using the Negamax algorithm. This algorithm calculates the minimum value of child nodes in one step and subsequently selects the maximum value among these minimum values as the value for the parent node in the next step.


Programming Languages




Machine Learning Frameworks







Data Visualization





Web Development




Operating Systems




Extra Tools



Strong Background in

Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Computer Vision

Natural Language Processing

Data Structures and Algorithms
